Welcome to my first regular feature here at the Near TPK. With apologies to one of my favorite blogs, the Daily WTF, I present... The Weekly What The Heck.
Each Saturday at 10 AM Central Time I'll post one of Jen's drawings of some kind of whacked-out creature, and ask my readers: "What the heck IS that?"
I hope my readers will approach the challenge in the spirit of "yes, and" - building on previous responses so everyone's ideas can be used in the final writeup. Comments will be accepted until I post next week's entry, then the writeup of this week's monster will be posted later that day (if all goes according to plan).
So let's start with the thing to the right. What the heck is that? What should it do? Does it kill you with its pointy feet, pointy spikes, pointy teeth, or fearsome tongue?
Five Things I Learned in 2024
6 days ago
A war beast created by beholders in there endless fight against...
Yas, and starts big as a finger and something makes him grow up
Yes, and they fight against the psicow menace using it's elastic tongue to grapple opponents from afar...
Yes, and...
It doesn't look like a flier, so that makes it a climber. It would be really fast with all those legs, too, and they're grippy, like a spider's. It doesn't look too smart, just barely self-aware.
Kind of looks like the critter I'm releasing this coming week, actually. ;)
Created by beholders... grows from tiny size... grappling tongue with reach... bestial intelligence...
Wow guys, this one is gonna be something else! Cool! Keep it coming!
This could be a really fun feature. Looking forward to many more!
It's actually an entirely new strain of "Master Aberration", not as smart as a Mind Flayer, but certainly smarter than a Beholder, and unrelated to both (though it does trigger a Beholder's self-genocidal rampage thoughts). It uses its tongue and teeth to scoop out livers (the only thing it eats) and is actually not fond of melee, preferring to use its Psionic Domination and other assorted mind rape powers to get people to donate their livers to his cause.
Alignment: LN (leaning to Evil)
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