. The result is the Ultimate Dungeon Master, the most ridiculously powerful solo abomination in this or any other world.
I'd like to thank greywulf, Rekres and Ripper(with special thanks to everyone for names) for their ideas, all of which have been mashed together to create:
Ultimate Dungeon Master
All those hands to roll dice, move figures and check rules at the same time. Three eyes to keep an eye out for cheatin' players and watch the action. And a huge stomach because of All. That. Pizza. This unique creature and its aspects are truly the masters of the dungeon.
Level 20 Soldier
Triclops ManipulatorXP 2,800
Large immortal humanoid
Initiative +15
Senses Perception +16; all-around vision, darkvision
HP 191;
Bloodied 95
AC 36 (38 while the triclops has an enemy grabbed);
Fortitude 34,
Reflex 32,
Will 34
Speed 5
mSlam (standard; at-will)
+27 vs. AC; 3d6 + 8 damage.
MOctuple Slam (standard; at-will)
The triclops makes eight slam attacks against the same target, each with a –4 penalty to the attack roll. If three or more of the attacks hit the target is grabbed (until escape).
MSwallow (standard; at-will)
The triclops attempts to swallow a bloodied Small or smaller creature it is grabbing; +24 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target is swallowed and restrained (no save) and takes 10 damage plus 10 acid damage on subsequent rounds at the start of the triclops' turn. The swallowed creature can make melee basic attacks only, and only with one-handed or natural weapons. If the triclops dies, any creature trapped in its stomach can escape as a move action, ending that action in a square formerly occupied by the triclops.
RMove Figures (minor; at-will)
Ranged 10; targets three enemies;+24 vs. Will; the target slides 3 squares.
Alignment Unaligned Languages All
Skills Arcana +21, Diplomacy +23, History +21, Insight +24, Intimidate +23
Str 26 (+18) Dex 16 (+13) Wis 23 (+16)
Con 23 (+16) Int 23 (+16) Cha 26 (+18)
Triclops Manipulator Tactics
Triclops manipulators focus on a single target, using octuple slams until the victim is bloodied and grabbed, then swallowing it.
Level 26 Elite Controller
Aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon MasterXP 18,000
Huge immortal humanoid
Initiative +17
Senses Perception +21; all-around vision, darkvision
HP 490;
Bloodied 245
AC 42 (44 while the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master has an enemy grabbed);
Fortitude 41,
Reflex 38,
Will 41
Resist 20 variable (3/encounter; see Monster Manual, page 282)
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5, teleport 4
Action Points 1
mSlam (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +31 vs. AC; 3d8 + 9 damage.
MOctuple Slam (standard; at-will)
The aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master makes eight slam attacks against the same target, each with a –4 penalty to the attack roll. If three or more of the attacks hit the target is grabbed (until escape).
MSwallow (standard; at-will)
The aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master attempts to swallow a bloodied Medium or smaller creature it is grabbing; +29 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target is swallowed and restrained (no save) and takes 15 damage plus 15 acid damage on subsequent rounds at the start of the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master's turn. The swallowed creature can make melee basic attacks only, and only with one-handed or natural weapons. If the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master dies, any creature trapped in its stomach can escape as a move action, ending that action in a square formerly occupied by the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master.
RMove Figures (minor; at-will)
Ranged 10; targets four enemies;+29 vs. Will; the target slides 4 squares.
CSlam Frenzy (immediate reaction, when first bloodied; encounter)
Close burst 2; targets enemies; +31 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares. Before attacking, the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master releases any creature it has grabbed.
Keep an Eye Out (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master; at-will)
The aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master makes a melee basic attack against the attacker.
Roll Again, Loser (immediate interrupt, when the aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master would be hit by an attack; recharge 5 6)
The aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master forces the attacker to reroll the attack and take the new result.
Alignment Unaligned Languages All
Skills Arcana +26, Diplomacy +27, History +26, Insight +26, Intimidate +27
Str 29 (+22) Dex 19 (+17) Wis 26 (+21)
Con 29 (+22) Int 26 (+21) Cha 29 (+22)
Aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master Tactics
An aspect of the Ultimate Dungeon Master uses the same tactics as a triclops manipulator, though it is more likely to seek out larger groups of enemies to increase the effectiveness of its slam frenzy.
Level 35 Solo Brute
Ultimate Dungeon MasterXP 235,000
Gargantuan immortal humanoid
Initiative +23
Senses Perception +27; all-around vision, darkvision
HP 1590;
Bloodied 795
AC 49 (51 while the Ultimate Dungeon Master has an enemy grabbed);
Fortitude 50,
Reflex 49,
Will 50
Resist 20 variable (3/encounter; see Monster Manual, page 282)
Saving Throws +5
Speed 5, teleport 4
Action Points 2
mSlam (standard; at-will)
Reach 3; +38 vs. AC; 5d6 + 11 damage.
MOctuple Slam (standard; at-will)
The Ultimate Dungeon Master makes eight slam attacks against the same target, each with a –4 penalty to the attack roll. If three or more of the attacks hit the target is grabbed (until escape).
MSwallow (standard; at-will)
The Ultimate Dungeon Master attempts to swallow a bloodied Medium or smaller creature it is grabbing; +36 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target is swallowed and restrained (no save) and takes 20 damage plus 20 acid damage on subsequent rounds at the start of the Ultimate Dungeon Master's turn. The swallowed creature can make melee basic attacks only, and only with one-handed or natural weapons. If the Ultimate Dungeon Master dies, any creature trapped in its stomach can escape as a move action, ending that action in a square formerly occupied by the Ultimate Dungeon Master.
RMove Figures (minor; at-will)
Ranged 10; targets six enemies;+36 vs. Will; the target slides 5 squares.
CSlam Frenzy (immediate reaction, when first bloodied; encounter)
Close burst 3; targets enemies; +38 vs. AC; 5d6 + 11 damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares. Before attacking, the Ultimate Dungeon Master releases any creature it has grabbed.
CRocks Fall, Everyone Dies (when reduced to 0 hit points)
Close burst 20; +36 vs. AC; 6d12 + 11 damage.
Keep an Eye Out (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the Ultimate Dungeon Master; at-will)
The Ultimate Dungeon Master makes a melee basic attack against the attacker.
House Rule Ability Broken (immediate interrupt, when a daily power hits the Ultimate Dungeon Master; recharge 5 6)
The power has no effect.
Roll Again, Loser (immediate interrupt, when the Ultimate Dungeon Master would be hit by an attack; at-will)
The Ultimate Dungeon Master forces the attacker to reroll the attack and take the new result.
Alignment Unaligned Languages All
Skills Arcana +32, Diplomacy +33, History +32, Insight +32, Intimidate +33
Str 33 (+28) Dex 23 (+23) Wis 30 (+27)
Con 30 (+27) Int 30 (+27) Cha 33 (+28)
Ultimate Dungeon Master Tactics
The Ultimate Dungeon Master uses the same tactics as its aspects.
Ultimate Dungeon Master Lore
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
DC 20: Triclops manipulators are extremely minor aspects of the insanely powerful Ultimate Dungeon Master.
DC 28: The Ultimate Dungeon Master is an enigmatic figure whose agenda is a complete mystery. Its power is so great it warps reality in its favor.
This is truly, thoroughly whacked out. If anyone uses any of these guys in an actual game, I would really really like to hear about it in the comments.
This is amazing. Solid moves, very fluffy, and lethal. I was looking through the stats for the Ultimate Dungeon Master, trying to find a special rule, and saw the attack "Rocks fall, everyone dies."
Needless to say, I sprayed diet coke all over my monitor. Great Job!
Excellent weekly WTH :) Love it!
I think the ultimate dungeon master actually needs at least three heads in preference to all those extra arms...
The "Roll Again, Loser" power...shouldn't it only be applicable once per attack?...otherwise, the UDM could potentially never be hit, unless it was dominated or suddenly depressed...
Most awesome!
Awesome pictures and NPCs!
Rev- Re: R A L- An Immediate Interrupt is only once per turn.
@shimrod -
Thanks for the clarification. I thought the same thing when I saw Rev's comment, but I never got around to looking it up and confirming it.
Great readding this
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