Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weekly What the Heck

Welcome to the thirteenth installment of my regular feature here at the Near TPK. With continuing apologies to one of my favorite blogs, the Daily WTF, I present... The Weekly What The Heck.

Each Saturday at 10 AM Central Time I'll post one of Jen's drawings of some kind of whacked-out creature, and ask my readers: "What the heck IS that?"

I hope my readers will approach the challenge in the spirit of "Yes, and ..." - building on previous responses so everyone's ideas can be used in the final writeup. Comments are now closed on last week's entry, and I hope to have the final writeup posted tonight. Comments will be accepted on this week's entry until I post next week's entry.

So... What the heck is that? What should it do? Is it really dumb, or does a brain lurk behind the big nose and tiny eyes?


Anonymous said...

It's a squiglet!

Aboleths created them from squid/pig stock to tend their eggs. The tentacles help them turn the goo-soaked eggs around, and the cute piggy noises help soothe offspring of the Evil Watery Master Race.

Viriatha said...

And you don't want to threaten the young they care for or those tentacles can squeeze you do death.

coolcyclone2000 said...

The squiglets piggy nose is covered with a leaf-like appendage which can block out the stinkiness of their master aboleths. Older squiglets get fed up with the constant stench of the aboleths and their mucus covered offspring. Enough of this stench (about 2-3 aboleth mating seasons) transforms the squiglets into a completly different creature.

When the squiglets transform, they become the extremely horny Kruthiguid. No, not that kind of horny, you people with filthy minds, but spiky, hence Kruthiguid (Kruthik + pig + squid).Their naturaly pointy ears harden to form horns/tusks. Their muscular abdomen froms into a chitinuous scaled back, with sharp ridges. Their tentacles sprout spikes, and the tail tentacle grows out.

In combat, a Kruthiguid, driven insane by aboleth stench, flails around with its spiked tentacles. When it isolates a creature, it securely grabs hold onto them with its front two tentacles. The following rounds, it "grates" its enemy, by moving it up and down its sharp, ridged, scaled abdomen. Its long tail tentacle wards off other enemies, smacking them away to a safe distance, while it is "grating" its opponents.