Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekly What the Heck

Welcome to the fifteenth installment of my regular feature here at the Near TPK. With continuing apologies to one of my favorite blogs, the Daily WTF, I present... The Weekly What The Heck.

Each Saturday at 10 AM Central Time I'll post one of Jen's drawings of some kind of whacked-out creature, and ask my readers: "What the heck IS that?"

I hope my readers will approach the challenge in the spirit of "Yes, and ..." - building on previous responses so everyone's ideas can be used in the final writeup. Comments are now closed on last week's entry, and I hope to have the final writeup posted tonight. Comments will be accepted on this week's entry until I post next week's entry.

So... What the heck is that? What should it do? What is the sound of three mouths eating your PC?


Anonymous said...

Obviously it's a trimandibular Praying Mantelope.

Anonymous said...

It has a beautiful singing voice, and provides its own accompaniment.

coolcyclone2000 said...

These trimandibular Praying Mantelope are the steeds of the Saeggan, and once originated from a common ancestor. Their corn wings are the only remains of their past. In combat, a Mantelope sings beautifully, and closes with the enemy. On their back sits an Saeggan (wait you cant see it? OMG, they're invisible!!!), just waiting to lull the unsuspecting listener...

coolcyclone2000 said...

As for why a flying fey creature would need a steed, only few know...