As a grumpy old D&D guy, I completely don't get the pokemon and Sega game references, but I'm still pretty pleased with how these things came out. I really like the progression of powers as they get tougher, and the way surf and mucus ignition will be more and more useful as you get more of them in an encounter flinging mucus around.AbolderithicusAn abolderithicus is a weird starfish-shaped cross between an aboleth and a beholder. It sprays poisonous, flammable mucus at its enemies or grabs them with its tentacles and dessicates them. Its eyes are usually used to daze people, and hold them immobile in their tracks to be prone to its mucus attacks. If royally ticked, the abolderithicus uses its fiery eye rays to ignite its mucus.Initiative +12 Senses Perception +16; darkvisionLevel 18 MinionAbolderithicus StaryuXP 500Medium aberrant magical beast (aquatic)
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 32; Fortitude 30, Reflex 30, Will 31
Speed 4, swim 8mHydro Pump (standard; at-will)+23 vs. AC; 8 damage.CWater Gun (standard; at-will) * ZoneClose blast 3; targets enemies; +19 vs. Reflex; 4 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with mucus and enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (also see mucus ignition).Surf (move; at-will)The abolderithicus can shift any number of squares as long as all of the squares it passes through are currently mucus zones.Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech
Skills Athletics +20 (+30 when jumping)
Str 22 (+15) Dex 17 (+12) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 22 (+15) Int 22 (+15) Cha 25 (+16)Abolderithicus Staryu TacticsAbolderithicus staryus uses water gun as often as possible to give themselves and their fellow abolderithici as much area to surf on as possible.Initiative +10 Senses Perception +13; darkvisionLevel 15 ControllerAbolderithicus StarmeXP 1,200Large aberrant magical beast (aquatic)
HP 148; Bloodied 74
AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 28
Speed 4, swim 8mHydro Pump (standard; at-will)+20 vs. AC; 1d10 + 5 damage, and the abolderithicus regains 5 hit points.RDazing Gaze (minor; at-will)Ranged 20; +19 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the end of the abolderithicus' next turn.CWater Gun (standard; at-will) * ZoneClose blast 3; targets enemies; +17 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 7 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with mucus and enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (also see mucus ignition).CMucus Ignition (free, when first bloodied and again when the abolderithicus is reduced to 0 hit points) * FireClose burst 3; targets creatures within any mucus zones; +17 vs. Reflex; the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends). Any mucus zones in the area burn away and are no longer considered difficult terrain.AMucus Burst (standard; at-will) * ZoneArea burst 3 within 10; targets enemies; +17 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with mucus and enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (also see mucus ignition).Surf (move; at-will)The abolderithicus can shift any number of squares as long as all of the squares it passes through are currently mucus zones.Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 10
Skills Athletics +17 (+22 when jumping)
Str 20 (+12) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 23 (+13)
Con 20 (+12) Int 20 (+12) Cha 23 (+13)Abolderithicus Starme TacticsAbolderithicus starmes use water gun and mucus burst as often as possible to give themselves and their fellow abolderithici as much area to surf on as possible.Initiative +12 Senses Perception +16; darkvisionLevel 19 ArtilleryAbolderithicus WistarXP 2,400Large aberrant magical beast (aquatic)
HP 142; Bloodied 71
AC 31; Fortitude 31, Reflex 31, Will 32
Speed 4, swim 8mHydro Pump (standard; at-will) * Weapon+26 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the abolderithicus regains 5 hit points.RChaos Cube (standard; recharge 4 5 6)Ranged sight; up to 3 targets; +24 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 7 damage. This damage bypasses all resistances.RDazing Gaze (minor; at-will)Ranged 20; +24 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the end of the abolderithicus' next turn.CWater Gun (standard; at-will) * ZoneClose blast 5; targets enemies; +22 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 7 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with mucus and enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (also see mucus ignition).CMucus Ignition (free, when first bloodied and again when the abolderithicus is reduced to 0 hit points) * FireClose burst 5; targets creatures within any mucus zones; +22 vs. Reflex; the target takes 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends). Any mucus zones in the area burn away and are no longer considered difficult terrain.AMucus Burst (standard; at-will) * ZoneArea burst 4 within 10; targets enemies; +22 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 7 damage, and the target is immobilized (save ends). The zone is filled with mucus and enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (also see mucus ignition).Surf (move; at-will)The abolderithicus can shift any number of squares as long as all of the squares it passes through are currently mucus zones.Alignment Evil Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 20
Skills Athletics +20 (+30 when jumping)
Str 22 (+15) Dex 17 (+12) Wis 25 (+16)
Con 22 (+15) Int 22 (+15) Cha 25 (+16)Abolderithicus Wistar TacticsAn abolderithicus wistar prefers to lead from the rear, out of reach of its foes. It uses water gun and mucus burst as often as possible to give itself and its fellow abolderithici as much area to surf on as possible. It uses chaos cube if it cannot reach any enemies with mucus burst.Abolderithicus LoreA character knows the following information with a successful Dungeoneering check.
DC 20: Abolderithici blend traits of beholders and aboleth, using eye rays and flammable mucus against their enemies.
DC 25: The oldest and largest abolderithici are spellcasters that can blast enemies at long range with cubes of pure chaos.Encounter GroupsAbolderithici are served by kuo-toa and servitors just as true aboleths are.
Level 18 Encounter (XP 9,900)
* 1 abolderithicus starme (level 15 controller)
* 5 abolderithicus staryus (level 18 minion)
* 1 aboleth slime mage (level 17 artillery)
* 2 aboleth lashers (level 17 brute)
* 4 kuo-toa guards (level 16 minion)
Level 19 Encounter (XP 12,200)
* 2 abolderithicus wistars (level 19 artillery)
* 4 abolderithicus staryus (level 18 minion)
* 1 aboleth overseer (level 18 controller)
* 4 aboleth servitors (level 16 minion)